What do you mean by single bedroom?
In the US, that can be a broad rental term.

In my corner of the US, depending on what you mean by “single bedroom” you could be looking at:
- $350–850 per month, utilities might be included depending on the lease. This is for a single bedroom in a shared apartment with no choice in your “roommates”. There are usually multiple apartments in the location with this set up.
- $250–550 for a boarding house type set up. Basically one “house” with about 10 bedrooms to rent.
- $700–1500 for a 1 bedroom apartment that is not shared, a single unit. This probably does not include any utilities, those will be extra.
And by “utilities”, I mean things like electricity, heat, hot water, cable/internet. Those prices vary on location and use.

“Negotiate apartment rent” may be a better way of saying this.
As a landlord, I’ve acquainted myself with our rental market. I know what rates similar units rent for.
I will negotiate with any tenant who offers something of value in return. Have you got designing capabilities and can help with a logo design, that’s worth something to me. Do you enjoy doing work in the yard, that’s worth something to me. Are you going to tell me that my unit isn’t worth what I’m asking for it? That doesn’t cost you any effort and is worth about as much as it cost you.
Your bargain is the value I add to my properties through constant work and effort. I can make my case, you make yours.